우리는고객여러분의가짜의SEN SPA HANOI에서받으실 안좋은경험또는예상치못한상황에책임지지않습니다. SEN SPA HANOI에서최상의 해드릴수있도록이통보를잘봐주시길바랍니다.
SEN HANOI SPA에게 주신신뢰에진심으로감사드립니다. 최고의서비스와경험을받을수있도록아래와같은이메일및핫라인통해문의를보내주세요.
Dear loyal customers,
We’d like to claim that we - Sen Spa Hanoi - officially have just only one address: 38 HANG HANH - HOAN KIEM - HANOI at this time.
If you have seen any other spa with the same name as “SEN” or “SEN SPA”, that is NOT our original facility. Please carefully notice the differences between our official name, location, logo and theirs.
We will not take any responsibility in case you had bad experiences or met any unexpected situation in those fake spas. However, we hope this announcement may find you well so we will have a chance to give you the best treatment in Sen Spa Hanoi.
We truly appreciate your trust and support for our spa. For the best service and experience, please contact us via email, hotline as below.